Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter -12 contiued.... page - 2

And in turn Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa gave these Vedas to his sishyas (pupils) to prapagate it among the people. 
Rig Veda        = Maharishi Paila
Yajur Veda     = Maharishi Vaisampayana
Sama Veda    = Maharishi Jaimini
Atharva Veda = Maharishi Sumantu Muni Angirasa. 

Each Veda consisted of 2 parts. The first 3/4th of the Veda is Karma Kanda and the last 1/4th is the Gnana Kanda. Karma Kanda deals in detail about the Mantras and the rituals to be performed. While the Gnana Kanda deals with the description of the Supreme God known as the Para Brahman or the Virat Purasha. 
Karam kanda has 2 divisions namely Samhita (Mantras) and Brahmanas (ritualistics). And Gnana Kanda has          2 divisions namely Aranyakas (Contemplative) and Upanishads (Highest philosophical thoughts).  Each of the 4 Vedas have its own Upanishads. 

“Bhagavad Gita” we are going to deal with, in this book is an essence of all the Upanishads. Since the Upanishad are very high philosophical thoughts it has been condenced and given for the comman man to understand. 

Maharishi Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa also wrote the great Epic Mahabharata in Sanskrit, which runs to about 1Lakh and 25 thousand verses.  It is one of the longest and the greatest Literatures to have been ever written in this world, revolving around hundreds of charectars.

In this Mahabharata, right in the centre, like a centre piece jewel in the neclace is placed the“Bhagavad Gita”.   Bhagavad Gita is a samvaada (a conversation) between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, which brings out the highest of all the philosophical thoughts in 700 verses divided into 18 chapters.  Gita dyana sloka which has been written in praise of Bhagavat Gita is as follows….. 
सर्वोपनिषदो गवो दोग्धा गोपालनन्दन: ।
पार्थो वत्स: सुधीर्भोक्ता दुग्धं गीतामृतम् महत् ॥
Sarvopanishado gaavaha dogdha gopalanandanaha,
Partho vatsaha sudheerbhokta dugdham geetaamrutam mahat. 

Its meaning is…… all the Upanishads are like cows. Gopalanandana, that is Lord Krishna is the milkman milking the  cows. Arjuna is like the calf for whom the milk is. The amrutham that is milked, called Bhagavad Gita is for all to enjoy.   

In the battle field of Kurukshetra, a war that is fought between the counsins Kauravas and the Pandavas is the scene for Bhagavad Gita.  Pandava Arjuna is backed by Lord Krishna in this war.  In the battle, at the last minute Arjuna becomes mentally weak overcome with grief, as to how he can fight with his own kin, elders and Acharyas.  Lord Krishna advises Arjuna the complete philosophy of life and how to live it.  Basically he lays 3 paths namely Karma Yoga, Gnana Yoga and Bhakthi Yoga.  

The chapter 12 we are going to deal in this book is “Bhakthi Yoga”.  This consists of only 20 slokas. 

Ithihasaas is classified under Smritis dealing with pratical applications of eternal principles. Mahabharatha of which Bhagavad Gita is a part, is classified under Itihasaas. So Bhagavad Gita is nothing but the essence of the Upanishads which are the Highest Philosophical thoughts.